Sunday, May 27, 2012

Resolution, Week 1 Results

In which I update you on my summer project. This week I decided to put away my clothes after wearing them, instead of throwing them on the floor. I would consider this a success. Some items were easier than others to deal with; pants and shoes, specifically. Shirts were more difficult, since they require more folding. I think the key is to put away all my clothes within 24 hours of doing laundry, otherwise I Just have a giant pile of clothes that needs to be put away, so what's a few more? I say within 24 hours, rather than right away, since I air dry some of my clothes, which takes a bit of time. All in all, I think I succeeded in keeping this week's resolution, and hopefully I'll be able to keep up the momentum. I should be able to, because my parents are coming to visit next week, which brings me to

Clean my apartment before my parents get here. This will include putting away the laundry I just did today and keeping the floor clean, amongst other things. Mainly, getting my living room organized.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer Project

I have decided to start a project for the summer. We'll see how it goes. Every Monday, I will write up a weekly resolution, and then Sunday write up how it went. I think weekly resolutions are good, because you can do anything for one week. Hopefully, the habits will continue in subsequent weeks.

This week, I am going to pick up my clothes every night and not toss things on the floor. This means that first I'll have to put my laundry from last week away. Hopefully, I"ll have a clean floor every night when I go to bed.