Sunday, October 21, 2007

Jimmy Eat World!

I love Jimmy Eat World! I went to the concert in San Diego last night with Cameron. It was amazing. The opening band was ok; definitely better than I expected, but it was the opening band, so there you have it. JEW played for about an hour and a half; mostly stuff from the older albums. There were a few from the new one that just came out, which I am going to get. I might just buy it off iTunes, but I sort of would like to have a complete set of CDs. The only bad part was the super-drunk guy, and my fear of the mosh-pit. I wish my camera was working, and I didn't even take a cell phone picture, because that's sort of lame. The venue was packed, and we were pretty close to the stage. After, Cameron and I walked around downtown San Diego and had a drink. We both had beer floats with raspberry beer, which again, is basically a novelty item. As far as beer goes, though, it was pretty good.

I don't feel like I'm floundering quite as much this week. I've done a few quantum problems and a few math methods problems, and I'll do more tomorrow. I'm getting some cooking in, although it's hard to figure out what to do with some of my vegetables. I keep planning my meals out, and then things come up. Tomorrow I'm also doing general chores.

I'm trying to get some non-school reading in before bed every night, just to keep myself sane, so I'm off to do that. Granted I read shitty books, but still.

1 comment:

sam said...

hi! heard there are fires near Irvine; hope you're ok!