Monday, October 29, 2007


Midterms are upon those of us on the quarter system. I am totally, utterly screwed. For my readers not in grad school, you may or may not know that passing in grad school (at least at UCI, I assume it's similar in other places) is a B. If you get a B-, you fail the class. I am on a fellowship that requires me to keep at least a 3.3 GPA. I don't see this happening, to be quite honest. It's something I am very worried about. I don't know why, since my physics GPA at Pomona was higher than this, but it's still scary, especially in quantum where there's no homework to help me out. I suppose if I fail I can come up with an alternative plan that doesn't involve a physics PhD, although I would be upset that I couldn't hack. The more I think about it, though, the more I really want to be a pastry chef.

1 comment:

stephanie said...

it would make me really excited if you became a pastry chef.