Saturday, January 12, 2008


A girl I went to high school with has started her own business as a teen counselor/advice guru/whatever. It's all self-proclaimed anyway. We were in the same group of friends, but had a falling out in 7th grade and I refused to suck up to her so our relationship was never very close afterward. I think her blog is ridiculous and that parents who buy into her crap are stupid, but up until now she hasn't actually done anything that could be construed as harmful. This week, however, she decided to hand out medical advice on celiac disease, which she apparently has. I call bullshit on this, having known her for 6 years and never hearing her complain about feeling sick. If she truly did, I'm sure I would have heard about how she was sick all the time. This is the girl who had a wheelchair after having bunion surgery so she could get around school. Why she couldn't use crutches I don't know. Also, I think she's a pathological liar. She has no qualifications to even suggest this to people. Last I checked, a BA in Chinese and International Relations did in no way qualify one to practice medicine. I'm closer to having a doctorate than she will ever be, and mine will be a PhD in physics. Also, both my parents are doctors. Perhaps I should go into the field of giving bullshit advice, medical or otherwise. I'm sure I'd be 100 times better at it than she is.

She also makes a huge deal about smoking pot. She has many a blog post of letting parents know the signs their children are smoking, and also how she knows how bad it can be because she had many friends in high school that "ruined" their lives by smoking up. From what I remember, she used to regale us with stories of how badass her friends outside of Marlborough were because of all the crazy shit they did. She seemed almost proud. I do like how there are always comments along the lines of "You're a dumbass. Smoking pot isn't bad for you, etc."

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