Saturday, April 26, 2008

High School Reunion

I went to my 5 year high school reunion today. While I was there, I figured out why my friendships have shifted since then. The people that I was close with in high school I am no longer close with, and people who I was friends with but not superclose with I'm much closer to now. This is because the ones I used to be friends with have no intellectual curiosity. They are content with the knowledge they have and have no desire to learn more. I don't understand that.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Worst. Homework. Ever.

This is the worst homework assignment ever. It's an exercise in stupid integrals and I'm not finishing it. I don't care. Chanan drops the lowest homework anyway. I've had the assignment for over 2 weeks and I'm still not done with it. It's incredibly painful. The only thing I'm taking away from it is that integrating in the complex plane is important and I shouldn't rely on Mathematica otherwise I won't be able to do it come test time (I know how to do it, I just can't be complacent). I've eaten half a box of cookies. I still have code to write, due tomorrow at 11 PM. I'm house-hunting again, because as of today I have no place to live come September, since I didn't renew my lease. I can't focus. What's wrong with me? I hate the quarter system.

An Open Letter

Dear Adrian Grenier,
You are SO FUCKING HOT! I think you are hotter than William Tell, Hottie McHottHott. So please, for the love of God, SHAVE YOUR FUCKING BEARD! It's fugly as hell. Go back to being the hottie you are and have always been.
PS-Drive Me Crazy is kind of fabulous.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I HATE EEE!!!! It didn't save any of the grades I just entered, so I have to reenter them AGAIN. FOR THE SECOND TIME.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I used to not eat breakfast, mostly because I really wasn't hungry in the morning and the thought of trying to force something down made me nauseated (nauseous? I never know). In high school I got up at 6 AM so I really didn't want to eat, and in college I didn't have enough meals per week to go to the dining hall. Even though I had food in my room I just never really ate it. I would always be starving by the middle of class, though. I have started eating breakfast now, though, and it is AMAZING! I feel so much better and I get to try all these cereals that look fabulous as I walk through the grocery store (another thing I should never be allowed to do is go grocery shopping unsupervised. I buy the most random crap). Anything with freeze-dried strawberries is pretty much a guaranteed winner. In short, I have finally discovered the joys of eating breakfast every day.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

If there's an earthquake in the next week (or, realistically, since I never clean my room, until I move) I'll probably die. All my plans to clean my room never really materialized. For someone who's so OCD I really can't fathom why my room is such a disaster. I can't do any work on my desk (in part because it's small), my clothes are all over the place, and the only reason the living room is clean is because I'm afraid of what Onnie thinks. SPOILED ONLY CHILD ALERT! I miss having someone clean up after me. I think it would be better if I had more space. Haha, that's a total lie.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I'm going to congratulate myself and say, "Yay, Rachel!" I did better this quarter than in the fall, and I raised my GPA (and passed my classes). I'm so close to keeping my money I can taste it. Here's to more improvement.

And now, a rant.


I thought better of it. I'm pissed, though.