Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fun Time!

A few fun links for your entertainment pleasure. In the past week and a half, I've read the entire archive of PHD Comics. A truly accurate description of grad school life. Sad, but true.

Additionally, XKCD is also hilarious. I shall leave you with a few choice selections, both funny and sad.
This one is astronomy related. It applies to me, in that I can rarely find those things.
This is sad, but very accurate.
Sad, but true. Again.
Hilarious! Again! If you're a nerd like me that uses UNIX/linux. If not, "sudo" is a command that lets you run something as the admin of the computer. You can google it if you care.

Lastly, to get yourself in the Thanksgiving mood, go listen to Alice's Restaurant Massacree.

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