Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I graduated from Pomona about six months ago. It feels like I was just in San Diego. It also feels like summer wasn't that long ago. That happiness was very ephemeral. I still feel very uncertain about my decision to go to graduate school, which is very rare for me. This is a decision I made when I was eight, and I rarely change my mind. For a while I thought I wasn't intellectually curious enough to be in grad school, because my classmates were always asking about the homework and wanted to delve deeper into it and really understand it, and I just wanted to do it and turn it in. I realize, though, that my intellectual curiousity lies elsewhere. I want to know about words and language and history and all these non-physics subjects. I want time to continue singing. I want to go learn ballroom dance and get good at it (and hopefully get the dancer's HOT body). Perhaps if I had a piano I'd take it up again, although my teacher at Pomona pretty much killed any enjoyment I got from it. Maybe these things will change once I get to take astronomy classes. I haven't done any of my homework this week. I'm so ready for Thanksgiving.

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