Tuesday, February 12, 2008

This has been one of the worst weeks I've had in a while, and it's only Tuesday. I fucking hate Valentine's Day, and E&M sucked ass. Fuck that shit.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Perfect Storm

This week is going to be a perfect storm of suck. I have two midterms, one Tuesday and one Thursday. I have tutoring center Wednesday night, so studying for Thursday is going to be severely impeded. Thursday is also Valentine's Day, a holiday I hate more than any other. I HATE Valentine's Day. It sucks when you're single and is stressful when you're not. Does anyone like it? I also I have to teach Thursday and it's supposed to rain. Sucks for my students, because I'm going to be cranky.

I'm itchy right now. Stupid grass allergies. It's a bendadryl tonight for sure.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

In case you were wondering, Bring it On: All or Nothing is not a good movie. I watched it the other night, and it was horrible. That's one of the problems with Netflix. I'll put anything in my queue, just because I can. Currently I have Hypercube. Coming is She's the Man. Quality films, I know.

Right now I'm listening to my Jimmy Eat World collection. I'll go to sleep before I finish it (I have a total of 3.7 hours on my computer), but I haven't done that in a while. I love them. Some of it is just so sexy. There's angst, anger, sex, happiness. Ok. Emo (although the new stuff is less emo). I also listened to all of my Something Corporate earlier. I was wallowing. I always have iTunes on shuffle, so that I don't have to listen to albums in order. I think that makes it better.

Last night my room was so cold so tonight I'm wearing flannel. And now to bed.